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Towel anti-theft system

Smart solution – a locker with a towel anti-theft system for the owners of recreation centers.

How to make ourselves safe from frequent towels or other textile theft, if you’re an owner of a fitness club, spa-center 


or a gym? To have a security at the entrance and check personal belongings – it’s out-of-fashion and disrespectful, so no one will have a wish to be a member of your gym. But constantly to renew stocks – it’s tiring and expensive.

Let us introduce a new solution! A smart cabinet / towel locker with RFID anti-steal system designed by FRESH USA Inc. – and not a single towel will leave your facility. Automated towel locker is a customer self-service device, therefore you do not need even an employee for towel service.

Due to an innovative RFID system – towel anti-steal, you can organize a towel inventory count even at a distance and guarantee anti-theft 100%. How does this system work? 

  • A modern and space-saving towel locker consists of 2 compartments: for clean and soiled towels (bathrobes, textile). Racks with clean towels are exposed to germicidal lights that give sterility. In the towel return compartment there is an ordinary hopper to collect soiled garments.
  • A customer gets an access to towels through wristband or card scanning with embedded RFID chips. Lean a membership RFID card against a reading system and an access door opens automatically. After using a towel, it’s dropped into a compartment with soiled garments.  
  • For service staff there is a remote option of a towel inventory and notification system. When clean towels run out or a return hopper is full, the system sends a message to the front computer or to a mobile device. In a database you see the towel quantity and statistics in a real time mode.

Except that, a RFID anti-theft towel system manufactured by FRESH USA Inc. ensures towel anti-

anti-theft_2steal at each gym entrance, preventing from taking a towel out of the facility.   How does it function?

Each towel, bathrobe has an embedded, sewn RFID chip that makes anti-theft system work- sound

and text messages appear when there is an attempt to carry out a towel through the exit. Modern

  RFID chips also simplify laundry and dry–cleaning procedure. While a towel retrieval/return, the chip is automatically read then the information is imported into the computer to print an invoice. These data are easily captured by a manual, mobile scanner and can be downloaded into other software

Contact to ensure a high-quality towel anti-steal protection in your company. Such system is quickly paid back and fit for use.

RFID-technologies always save your money!
