Phone: +1 (312) 312-9608

Print media about us, exhibits


Exhibition Club Industry Show 2015 (Chicago USA)

Clean'07 exhibition (Las Vegas, USA)

Texcare International 2008 exhibition (Germany, Frankfurt)

Automatic uniform distribution

Automated cloakroom

RFID textile inventory

Anti-theft towel system

Аutomatic cloakrooms

Automated uniform management system

Cloakroom automation

Cloakrooms for industries

Automated garment conveyor

Garment conveyors

Towel management system

Laundry business textile rental

RFID parking

barrier opener

garage opener

Parking management system

Laundry software

Stealing towels protection

Towel anti-theft system

Automated uniform system

Speedy inventory

Theft protection system

Towels theft protection

Prevent towel theft

Locker for towels

Stealing towels

Towel tracking

Hotel Loss Prevention Systems, Hotel Anti-Theft.

Stealing towels from the gym

Prevent textile theft from hotels

RFID parking management

Technology prevent theft

Smart locker - anti-theft towel system

Smart towel locker to prevent towel theft

RFID parking system

Parking software

RFID parking management system

Parking management software

Self Service Laundry Machines
